ಶ್ರೀ ಸತ್ಯಜ್ಞಾನತೀರ್ಥರು (ರಾಜಮಹೇಂದ್ರಿ)
ಸತ್ಯಧೀರಕರಾಬ್ಜೋತ್ಥ: ಜ್ಞಾನವೈರಾಗ್ಯಸಾಗರ:|
ಸತ್ಯಜ್ಞಾನಾಖ್ಯತರಣಿ: ಸ್ವಾಂತಧ್ವಾಂತಂ ನಿಕೃಂತತು ||
सत्यधीरकराब्जोत्थ: ज्ञानवैराग्यसागर:।
सत्यज्ञानाख्यतरणि: स्वांतध्वांतं निकृंततु ॥
satyadhIrakaraabjOttha: jnaanavairAgyasAgara:|
satyajAnAkhyataraNi: svAntadhvAntam nikRuntatu ||

Period 1906 – 1912
- Parents : Sri Krishnacharya Gangur and Smt Jeevubai
- Poorvashrama Name : Kinhal Jayacharya
- Birth place : Kinhala in 1877 Ishwara Samvatsara AshaDa krishna Panchami
- Upanayana : 1885 Parthiva Samvatsara, Shravana Krishna Triteeya
- Marriage : 1892 with Jeevoobai
Ashrama Sweekara : 12.10.1904 – KroDee Samvatsara Ashada Shukla Panchami – Narayanapete (AP)
- Pattabhisheka : 15.07.1906
- Pranadevara pratiste in Navavrundavana : 1908
- Vrundavana Pravesha : 30.01.1912 – Magha Shudda Ekadashi
Vrundavana : Rajamahendri (AP)
- Mruttika Vrundavanas : Kamalapura, Chennai, Hyderabad, MaLakheda
- Vidya Gurugalu : Sri Satyadhyana Tirtharu
- Ashrama Gurugalu : Sri Satyadheera Tirtharu
- Ashrama Shishyaru : Sri Satyadhyana Tirtharu on 13.01.1912
- So Sri Satyadhyana Tirtharu is the Vidya Gurugalu & Ashrama Shishya of Sri Satyajnaana Tirtharu
- Aradhane: Magha Shuddha Ekadashi
- Sri Satyajnaana Tirtharu started the “Sri Madhwa Siddanthaabhivruddhikaarini Sabha” in 1905 (Sri Satya Dheera Tirtharu was also there) which is functioning even today.
Some of the miracles :
Kasturi Tilaka of Tirupati Timmappa falling –
Once Sri Satyajnaanaru went to Tirupathi temple to have a darshan alongwith his disciples. But the temple authorities who used to honour the Uttaradi Mutt swamiji with warm welcome, this time denied entry to the swamiji to the Garbha Gudi., as it was Abhisheka time. Swamiji was sad and started doing paata to his disciples near Varaha Swami Temple. At the same time, it so happened that the Kasturi Tilaka in the forehead of Srinivasa was falling continuously. They were unable to stick the thilaka at all. Then the head priests enquired his staff as to whatever has happened since morning. He came to know that the swamiji was not given entry to the garba gudi. Then the head priest went directly to the swamiji and sought his pardon and received him with temple honours. Then the Tilaka was sticked to its regular place and was not falling.
Refusing theertha to a woman with scar –
Once Swamiji was offered Bhiksha in one of his disciple’s house. After pooja and all over, he was giving thirtha to the bhaktaas. There he refused theertha to the daughter of the bhakta in whose house the bhiksha was arranged. Then the man asked as to why he has refused. Then swamiji told him that his daughter has a big scar on his thigh, as such he has refused to give thirtha to person with some disease. He also suggested the medicine for the disease that – the lady shall clean the brahmanas left over leaves (ootada ele) after bhojana for some time and it will be cured. After some time he came and gave her thirtha and indicated that her disease has been cured. This proves about the jnaana that the swamiji had.
Putra Bhikshe –
Once in Hyderabad, he had gone for bhikshe in one of the house. There he blessed the wife of the person, who had called for bhikshe as “Supatravatee bhava”. They were surprised, seeing the age of the lady, how come she deliver child at that old age. But still the swamiji’s blessings made good that the house which had no children so far, had been blessed with a child before the next Ramanavami day. This is the kaarunya of swamiji.
(Source – Book by Sri Jayatirthacharya Malagi)