ಮೂಲ ರಾಮನನ್ನು ಕಳಿಂಗ ದೇಶದಿಂದ ಆಚಾರ್ಯ ಮಧ್ವರ ಅಣತಿಯಂತೆ ಕರೆತಂದ ಹಂಪಿಕ್ಷೇತ್ರದಲ್ಲಿ
ವಿರಾಜಮಾನರಾಗಿರುವ ಶ್ರೀ ನರಹರಿ ತೀರ್ಥರು
ಯೇನಾನೀತಾ ನಮಸ್ತಸ್ಮೈ ಶ್ರೀಮನೃಹರಿಭಿಕ್ಷವೇ | ससीता मूलरामार्चा कोशे गजपते: स्थिता।
येनानीता नमस्तस्मै श्रीमनृहरिभिक्षवे । sasItaa mUlaraamaarchaa kOshE gajapatE: sthitaa|
yEnaanItaa namastasmai shrImanRuharibhikShavE |
ಗಜಪತಿ ಆಸ್ಥಾನದಲ್ಲಿದ್ದ ಸೀತಾಸಮೇತ ರಾಮಚಂದ್ರದೇವರ ವಿಗ್ರಹವನ್ನು ಸಮಸ್ತ ಮಧ್ವ ಪರಂಪರೆಗೆ ಸಮರ್ಪಿಸಿದ ಧೀಮಂತ ಯತಿಗಳಾದ ಪ್ರಾತ:ಸ್ಮರಣೀಯ ಶ್ರೀ ನರಹರಿತೀರ್ಥರ ಪಾದಕಮಲಗಳಿಗೆ ನಮೋನಮ: ||
ಭೂದೇವಿಪರಮಾಸಕ್ತೋ ರಘ್ವೀಶಪದಮಾನಸ: |
ನೃಹರ್ಯಾಖ್ಯಗುರುರ್ಭೂಯಾತ್ ಅಸ್ಮದಿಷ್ಟಾರ್ಥಸಿದ್ಧಯೇ || भूदेविपरमासक्तो रघ्वीशपदमानस: ।
नृहर्याख्यगुरुर्भूयात् अस्मदिष्टार्थसिद्धये ॥ bhUdEviparamaasaktO raGvIshapadamaanasa: |
nRuharyaaKyagururbhUyaat asmadiShTaarthasiddhayE ||
ತತೋ ನೃಹರ್ಯಾಹ್ವಮೃಗಾಧಿರಾಜ: ವ್ಯಾಖ್ಯಾನಸಮ್ಮೋದಿತಸತ್ಸಮಾಜ : |
ದುರ್ವಾದಿದಂತೀಂದ್ರಮೃಗಾಧಿರಾಜ: ಸ್ವದೇಶಿಕಪ್ರಾಪ್ತಪದೋರರಾಜ | – ಶ್ರೀ ಜಯತೀರ್ಥವಿಜಯ – ಛಲಾರಿ ಆಚಾರ್ಯರು
ततो नृहर्याह्वमृगाधिराज: व्याख्यानसम्मोदितसत्समाज : ।
दुर्वादिदंतींद्रमृगाधिराज: स्वदेशिकप्राप्तपदोरराज । – – श्री जयतीर्थविजय – छलारि आचार्यरु ಪುರಾ ಬದರ್ಯಾಶ್ರಮ ಯಾನತ: ಪ್ರಾಗಾನಂದತೀರ್ಥೇ ರಜತಾಸನಸ್ಥೇ |
ತಸ್ಮಾದನುಜ್ಞಾಂ ನೃಹರೀಂದ್ರತೀರ್ಥ: ಪ್ರಾಪ್ಯಾನ್ವಗಾದ್ದಿಗ್ವಿಜಯೇ ಸಶಿಷ್ಯ: | – ಶ್ರೀ ಜಯತೀರ್ಥ ವಿಜಯ पुरा बदर्याश्रम यानत: प्रागानंदतीर्थे रजतासनस्थे ।
तस्मादनुज्ञां नृहरींद्रतीर्थ: प्राप्यान्वगाद्दिग्विजये सशिष्य: । – श्री जयतीर्थ विजय ಸುಗುಣನರಹರಿಶ್ರೀಮಾಧವಕ್ಷೋಭ್ಯರೂಪಾನ್ |
ಹರಿಭಜನನಿಯುಕ್ತಾನ್ ಶುದ್ಧಧರ್ಮಾರ್ಥ ಕಾಮಾನ್ | – ಭಾವಬೋಧಕಾರರು सुगुणनरहरिश्रीमाधवक्षोभ्यरूपान् ।
हरिभजननियुक्तान् शुद्धधर्मार्थ कामान् । – भावबोधकाररु
- ನರಹರಿ ತೀರ್ಥರು ಆಚಾರ್ಯ ಮಧ್ವರ ಎರಡನೇ ನೇರ ಶಿಷ್ಯರು Second Direct Shishya of Srimadacharyaru
- Duration – 1324 to 1333
- Aradhana on Pushya Bahula Saptami
- Vrundavana : Chakra Teertha (Hampi) near Nava Vrundavana
- Poorvashrama naama – Shyama Shastri
- Birth place – Kalinga (Orissa State)
- He was said to be the first sage King who ruled a state.
Sanyasi ruled the kingdom – Once Sri Narahari Tirtharu after getting sanyashrama from Srimadacharyaru went on tour to Kalinga kingdom. There it so happened that the king of that kingdom had died and the kingdom was rulerless. The ministers in the Kalinga kingdom sent their elephant to put garland on whom who shall become the next king. The elephant put the garland on the sage Even though, he was not interested in the kingship, he ruled the kingdom as a sanyasi, ably as per the blessings of Acharya Madhwaru. He ruled for 12 years till the child was able to take charge of the kingdom and saved the country. While ruling the country he showed his statesmanship. Similarly he was doing the prachaara of Vaishnava Tatva even while doing his duty as the king.
Saseetaa moola raamarcha – As a mark of respect to the great sage who ruled the country for 12 years, the king wanted to give some gift to Sri Narahari Tirtharu. Narahari Tirtharu asked for the Deity of Moola Ramachandra devaru that had been kept by the descendants of the Gajapati Kings and Who was originally worshiped by Iksvaaku Mahaaraja, then given to Dasaratha Maharaja, the father of Lord Rama. This Deity of Rama was then passed on to Lakshmana and from him to Hanuman, who used to hang it around his neck. Hanuman gave that idol to Bhimasena devaru during Dwaapara yuga , and Bhima gave Him to the Gajapati King . The king happily handed over the idol to Narahari Tirtharu with devotion. Sri Narahari Tirtharu did the samarpana of the idol to the entire Madhwa parampare and is being worshipped as per Madhwa sampradaya since seven hundred years.
ಕನ್ನಡ ದಾಸಸಾಹಿತ್ಯದ ಮೊದಲ ಕೀರ್ತನಕಾರರು – ಹರಿಯೇ ಇದು ಸರಿಯೇ.
- ಅಂಕಿತ – ರಘುಪತಿ
Works by Sri Narahari Tirtharu :
- Geetha Bhashya Teeka
- Dasha prakarana Teeka
- Yamaka Bharatha Teeka
Ashrama Gurugalu : Sri Madhwacharyaru
Successor – Sri Madhava Thirtharu
Narahari Thirtharu – click for pdf file
Sri Narahari Tirtharu when he visited Simhachalam Temple area, he has installed a Mukyaprana idol. This can be seen only when the devotees climb the hill.
Glad that I was able to know the greatness of the saint, Sri Sri Narahari Theertharu through this small write-up. Thanks.
Namaste, Very good information on your website.
I had one question where is the Moola Ramachandra devaru now kept? I would like to visit and have darshan.