Teekacharya – In Dwaitha Vedanta the name of Sri Jayatirtharu is always to be remembered for his contributions. No one is comparable to his style of writing Teeka and upholding the Madhwa Philosophy. Almost all the Granthaas, teekaas, vyakyaas that have come after Jayatirtha are based on his Teekaas only. That is why he is called as Teekacharya.
Sri Jayateertharu is the sixth Pontiff of our Sri Madhwacharya Peetha and is popularly known by “Teekarayaru”, “Teekacharyaru” and “Teekakrutpadaru”, etc.
Sri Satyatma Tirtharu on Sri Jayatirtharu – Click
ಯಸ್ಯ ವಾಕ್ಕಾಮಧೇನುರ್ನ: ಕಾಮಿತಾರ್ಥಾನ್ ಪ್ರಯಚ್ಚತಿ | ಸೇವೇ ತಂ ಜಯಯೋಗೀಂದ್ರಂ ಕಾಮಬಾಣಛಿದಂ ಸದಾ || यस्य वाक्कामधेनुर्न: कामितार्थान् प्रयच्छति ।सेवे तं जययोगींद्रं कामबाणच्छिदं सदा । – श्री विजयींद्रतीर्थ
His words are like a kaamadhenu, which gives all our desires kaamitaartha. I always prostrate before the great yogeendra who defeated all his desires.
Poorvashrama name |
Dondo Narasimha Pantha |
Wife |
Bheemabai |
Sanyasashrama Period |
1364-1387 |
Vrundavana |
Malakheda |
River |
Kagini + Bennetore sangama |
Ashrama Gurugalu |
Sri Akshobhya Thirtharu |
Ashrama Shishyaru |
Sri Vidyadhiraja Thirtharu; Sri Vyasatirtharu |
Vidya Gurugalu |
Sri Akshobhya Tirtharu |
Aradhana |
Ashaada Krishna Panchami |
Family Name |
Deshapande |
Amsha |
Indramsha |
Avesha |
Sheshadevaru |
Place of Tapassu |
Yeragola Cave |
Vidyanugraha |
Bharatee Devi |
Ankita |
Raama Vittala |
Original Place |
Mangalavede, 15 miles from Pandarapura |
Contemporaries |
Akshobhya Tirtharu, Vidyaranyaru, Vijayadwaja Tirtha of Pejavara Mutt, Vadeendra of Shrungeri Peeta,Delhi King Firoz Shah Tughlak |
Childhood Education learnt |
Horse Riding, Khadga fighting, etc, Accounting, Administration, etc |
Word which gave him vairagya |
“Kim pashu poorvadhehe: by Akshobhya Tirtharu |
Previous janma |
As an Ox in the service of Acharya Madhwa |
Grantha shown to Vidyaranya |
Teeka for Acharya Madhwa’s PramaNa LakshaNa |
Vijayadwajaru gave him |
Bhagavatha Vyakyana “PadaratnaavaLi” |
Vyakyana for Tantrasara |
“Padyamala” |
Teeka for Geetha Tatparya |
“Nyaaya Deepika” |
Saying on “Nyayasudha” |
Sudha vaa paTanIya vasudhaa vaa paalanIya |
Acharya Madhwa on the ox |
“vyaaKyaasyatyESha gOraaT” |
Durga & Saraswathi gave him |
GanTa, betel nut to rub after writing on the leaves, |
Vyasarajaru on Jayatirtharu |
“EduraarO guruvE samaraarE” |
Other Names |
Teekarayaru, Teekakrutpaadaru |
Performed as Vice Chancellor |
At Buddhist University in Gujarat as per request of King Kamadeva |
Pramana Lakshana Teeka |
Pramana Paddati |
Anuvyakyana Teeka |
Srimannyaya Sudha |
Vadavali deals with |
Jaganmithyatva Khandana |
Padyamala deals with |
Bhagavatpooja paddati as per Tantrasara sangraha |
Granthas on Jayatirtharu |
“Jayatirtha Vijaya” & “Anu Jayatirtha Vijaya” by Vyasatirtharu,“Jayatirtha Vijaya” by Sri Raghunatha Tirtha of Akshobya Tirtha Mutt, “Toravi Narahari Kavi’s kannada Jayatirtha Vijaya”, etc….. |
मिथ्या सिद्धांत दुर्द्वांत विद्वंसन विचक्षण: ।
जयतीर्थाख्य तरणी: भासतां नो हृदंबरे ।
श्री व्यासराजरु (तात्पर्यचंद्रिका)
ಮಿಥ್ಯಾ ಸಿದ್ಧಾಂತ ದುರ್ದ್ವಾಂತ ವಿದ್ವಂಸನ ವಿಚಕ್ಷಣ: |
ಜಯತೀರ್ಥಾಖ್ಯ ತರಣೀ: ಭಾಸತಾಂ ನೋ ಹೃದಂಬರೇ |
ಶ್ರೀ ವ್ಯಾಸರಾಜರು (ತಾತ್ಪರ್ಯಚಂದ್ರಿಕಾ)
Born as a bullock –
- He was born as Bullock, during Srimadacharyaru’s period and he carried Sarvamoola Grantha for nearly 18years from place to place. When Srimadacharya used to do paata for his Shishyaas, he used to sit next to Acharya Shishyaas and hear all the shastraas.
Why was he born as a bullock? – The Pandavaas after being victorious in Kurukshetra, were remembering and discussing the past incidents of Mahabharata Maha Yuddha. At that time Arjuna forgot Sri Krishna and boasted before Bheema that he is responsible for the entire victory. Immediately Bheema told “You are boasting like an animal, you forgot Sri Krishna’s anugraha. Immediately Arjuna realized his ajnaana (ahambhaava – Indra is not free from Kali Avesha) and repented. As the wordings of great personalities will never be false, they will become true. And that he will definitely take the birth of a beast. Arjuna forgot Sri Krishna Paramathma for a while and got the life of a bullock. The same bullock became Sri Jayateertharu.

One day when Srimadacharyaru was teaching his disciples, one of his shishyaas raised the topic that “who will write – Compose the Commentaries to His Works”. All the Pandits were seeing their faces each other with a smile that Srimadacharyaru will suggest their names. On the contrary Srimadacharya said “व्याख्यास्यत्येष्ट गोराट्” – that the bullock which was sitting in front will write the commentaries to His Works. Some Pandits became angry and cursed the bullock to die with the Serpent bite. Within a few days the bullock, due to the Serpent bite was suffering a lot and died. It was the same bullock that provided as the entire Teeka of Acharya Madhwa. He had heard the entire Sarvamoola directly from Srimadacharyaru.
Yeragola Cave– This is the place where Sri Jayatirtharu wrote Srimannyaayasudhaadi granthaas. This is situated in just one kilometre from Chittapura in Yadgir District. Once upon a time, this Cave was the tapobhoomi of Shanka named sage.
Jayateertharu used to sit there in the lonely place for writing commentaries with great patience, knowledge and intense Aparoksha Gnyaana. It is here on this holy land that majority of his Teekas took birth. Sri Ramachandra Tirtha’s and Sri Vidyanidhi Tirtha’s Vrundavana also there near Yeragola.

- ದೇವರನಾಮ pdf
- ಜಯತೀರ್ಥ ವಿಜಯ ದೇವರನಾಮ
- ಶ್ರೀ ಜಯತೀರ್ಥರು Click
- Padyamala – Deva pooja system- PDF file
- Direct Shishyas of Sri Jayatirtharu – Click
‘Kim Pashuhu Poorvadehe “”किं पशु: पूर्वधे:” – Sri Akshobhya Thirtharu was searching for a shishya for his Sarvagna Peeta. One day, he was sitting on the bank of the River Bheemarathi. There a young handsome boy, named Dondu pantha or Donduraya, riding a horse, being thirsty, came and went into the river, sitting on the Horse itself and drunk the water without using his hands. Shree Akshobhya Thirtharu saw this scene and uttered in Sanskrit with Loud “Kim Pashu Poorvadehe” “किं पशु: पूर्वधे:” In the previous Janma Had you been a Beast? (Pashu).
Hearing this Dhondooraya stunned and remembered his previous Janmas – Arjuna, His Bullock Janma in the period of Srimadacharyaru, Vrashabharoopa and all. Immediately Bowed to Sri Akshobhya Teertharu and requested for Yati Ashrama. Akshobhya Teertharu’s Joy knew no bonds, Actually Dondu Raya is the Akshobhya Thirthara poorvashrama brother’s son. Sri Akshobhya Teertharu asked Dhonduraya to get the permision of the Elders. Dhonduraya did not listen and insisted him to give Ashrama immediately. Raghunath Deshpande, on hearing this, rushed with anger near Akshobhya Tirtharu. He simply cried loudly. Dhondoraya told that Akshobhya Tirtharu has not forcibly given the Ashrama, at his own will and wish became Yati.
But his father forceably took him home and arranged for the First night for Dondurayaru with his wife Bhamamani. But for the girl, Dhonduraaya looked like a serpant. She tried to came near him, but the snake was not allowing her to come near him. After all his efforts are failed, his father realized that he was wrong in bringing Donduraya, the Jayathirtharu to his home for first night and took him back to Akshobhya Thirtharu and asked his excuse for his acts.
Studied under Sri Akshobhya Tirtharu – Even though he had knowledge from what he had learnt from Acharya Madhwa when he was an ox, he further studied under Akshobhya Tirtharu, who taught him like “shukavaani”. He himself has quoted in his granthas that “akshobhyatirtha guruNaa shukavakShischitasya mE”|
In most of his granthas, he has praised his guru Akshobhya Tirtharu.
पदवाक्य प्रमाणाग्नान् प्रतिवादिदच्चिद: ।
श्रीमदक्षोभ्यतीर्थाख्यानुपतिष्टे गुरून्मम ।
पदवाक्य प्रमाणग्नान्प्रणम्य शिरसा गुरून् ।
व्याकरिष्ये यथाबोधं विष्णुतत्त्वविनिर्णयं ।
Penance at Durga betta – After the vrundavana pravesha of his Gurugalu Jayatirtharu decided to start grantha rachane. Before starting the grantha rachana work he went to Durga Betta for tapassu. He did the tapassu like Druvarayaru by eating green leaves, dry gross, panchagavya prashana, etc. He got the anugraha of Saraswathi and Bharatee Deviyaru. Sheshadevaru also came and did the anugraha on his tongue. So, there was the avesha of Sheshadevaru also in him.
Jayatirtharu on Acharya Madhwa – “For doing the vyakyaana on Acharya Madhwa Grantha only gods are capable. Even the effort of doing the vyakyaana itself looks like a comedy, but I have done the vyakyaana with the utmost devotion to Acharya Madhwa – this is also a vibhushana for his grantha”.
Svaahankara khandana by Jayatirtharu – He says that “he is not an expert in Vyakarana Shastra. Not an expert in Vedavaakya or Nyaya shastra. Not learnt all. Whatever I have done is only with the anugraha of Sarvajnaacharya’ –
ನ ಶಬ್ದಾಬ್ಧೌ ಗಾಢಾ: ನಚ ನಿಗಮಚರ್ಚಾಸು ಚತುರಾ !
ನಚ ನ್ಯಾಯೆ ಪ್ರೌಢಾ ನಚ ವಿದಿತವೇದ್ಯಾ ಅಪಿ ವಯಂ ಪರಂ !ಶ್ರೀಮತ್ಪೂರ್ಣಪ್ರಮತಿಗುರುಕಾರುಣ್ಯಸರಣಿಂ ! ಪ್ರಪನ್ನಾ ಮಾನ್ಯಾಃ ಸ್ಮಃ ಕಿಮಪಿ ಚ ವದನ್ತೋಽಪಿ ಮಹತಾಂ*
न च न्याये प्रौढा न च विदितवेद्या अपि वयं परं ।
प्रपन्ना मन्या: स्म किमपि च वदंतोपि महतां ।
Anugraha by Jayatirtharu – There is a canal nearby wherein Sri Jayatirtharu just stopped water by giving his handful of mud to the Gouda of that village. Once it so happened that the main Gowda of that village thought of constructing a canal for the village people. He constructed the canal and the same was filled with water but in a very short period it was dried and the gowda was forced to wait for another rainy season. Then again rain came and canal was filled but was dried again. One night he got a dream wherein he was told to meet a sage nearby who is doing the penance, and he will help you. The gowda immediately met the sage nearby, who was none other than Sri Jayatirtharu, who in turn gave him a handful of mud after doing some abhimantrana to the gowda and asked him to put in the pond. The gowda did as instructed by the sage and the canal was saved and even today so many villagers are being benefited by the canal which was the anugraha of Jayatirtharu.
“Koneri Pranesha” – Once after the completion of the pooja, a monkey came near him and wrote “geetha” “aÉÏiÉÉ” on a rock nearby. Sri Jayatirtharu realized that it was the order of Mukyapranadevaru to write “Geetha Bhashya Teeka”, and he wrote the monkey’s figure on the same rock. He also did the prana pratiste of the monkey. Subsequently Koneri family people built one mantapa for Mukyaprana.
Anugraha to Muslim King Firozeshah – Once Muslim King Firozeshah sent one of his servants to invite Jayatirtharu to his palace. Jayatirtharu came but stayed in a temple in Kurukshetra. At the same time many Hindus were doing upavaasa in front of the palace as the King was taxing exhorbitantly on Brahmins and was forcing the Hindus to be converted to Muslim Community. As the branhims were fasting, Jayatirtharu refused to enter the city. Then the King came personally and asked him to come to his palace. He told Jayatirtharu that his son was suffering from severe decease which has not been cured by any doctors and asked for anugraha to his son. Jayatirtharu insisted a condition that king must free the Brahmin community from exhorbitant taxes and avoid conversion. The King agreed. Jayatirtharu did the pooja and after naivedya and his tirtha prasada, he gave some prasaada to the Muslim King, which prasada cured the prince from his severe decease. The King was delighted and decided to invite Jayatirtharu to Delhi and give all the honours of the Kings. But the sage refused and told him that the entire thing happened with the blessings of Sri Ramachandra only and it was because of Srimadwacharya’s anugraha that the king’s son’s health was improved and the entire honour must go to them only.
Vrundavana Pravesha of Akshobhya Tirtharu – Sri Akshobhya Tirtharu told Jayatirtharu to write Teeka Granthaas for Srimadacharya’s sarvamoola. He told Acharya’s work are not easily reachable for the common man and told that the bhashyaas to be done by Jayatirtharu will help everyone to understand Acharya Madhwa Tatwa. Akshobhya Tirtharu gave ashrama to Sri Trailokyabhooshana Tirtharu, who became the head of the Arya Akshobhya Tirtha Mutt. Then Akshobhya Tirtharu entered Vrundavana at Malakheda.
Sri Pejavara Adhokshaja Mutt Swamiji Sri Vijayadhwaja Tirtharu, met Sri Jayatirtharu and handed over the Grantha written by him titled “Padarathnavali” a Vyakhyana for Srimad Bhagavatha and asked Sri Jayathirtharu to scrutinize the grantha and bless him. The Vyakhyana is also called as “Vijayadhwajeeya vyakhyana”
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