Bhagavan Vedavyasaru told Dharmaraja and others, that both the Ekadashis (Shudha & Bahula) to be observed without fail.
Bheemasenadevaru told Vedavyasaru that he cannot do both the Ekadashis, that he cannot keep himself hungry for more period as he has “Vruka” named Agni with him, who has to be feeded always, and he asked Vyasadevaru to give some other suggestion for attaining Moksha.
Then Vedavyasaru told Bheemasena to do Jyesta Shudda Ekadashi atleast which is termed as Nirjala Ekadashi, which fetches 12 Ekadashi punya. As such, Bheemasena observed Ekadashi Upavaasa on Nirjalaikadashi and did the “Paarana” on the next day by giving so many “Daanaas”. As such, this Dwadashi is called as “Pandava Dwadashi”.
Here we may get a doubt that whether Bheemasena was not observing Ekadashi on other Ekadashis. Bheemasena, being the Jeevottama knows every thing about Ekadashi, but just to make the people understand the importance of Nirjalaikadashi he did so.
Further, Srimadachaaryaru, the next avataara of Bheemasena, he too had “Vruka” named Agni (Sumadhwa Vijaya – Angusta maatram jatarEshu Agni), did upavasa for 48 days. How was it possible?
One should never think that Bheemasena was not observing Ekadashi.