Vidyapathi Thirtharu, Rayavellore
(Uttaradimutt Parampare)
His name is not included in the Mutt parampare as he has not completed his Chaturmasya after getting Sanyasa.
That is why even Charamashloka is not available.
There are Vrundavanas of
Sri Sathyadhiraja Thirtharu,
Sri Vidyapathi Thirtharu of Uttaradi Mutt,
Sri Sripathi Thirtharu & Sri Kambalur Ramachandra Thirthara Vrundavana of Vyasaraja Mutt
and Mrithika Brindavana of Sri Raghavendraru.

(Apart from these five saints there are Vrundavanas of other four saints also – totalling to nine vrundavanas).
Aradhana – Jyesta Bahula Ekadashi
Yogini Ekadashi