Jyesta Shudda Ekadashi – Nirjala Ekadashi –
Hare Srinivasa
Dashahara Vratha – This is a vratha which is to be observed from Jyesta Shudda Padya to Jyesta Shudda Dashami.
We should take snaana when Hasta Nakshatra is there in Jyesta Shudda Dashami. By performing Dashahara Vratha, our 10 papaas will be removed. That is why it is called as Dashahara Vratha. The “Phala” will be more if dashayoga is also there.
dashayOga –
1. jyEShTamaasa 2. shuklapakSha 3. dashamItithi 4. budhavaara 5. hasta nakShatra
6. vyatIpaata 7 garajakaraNa 8. naMdaatithi 9. kanyeyalli chaMdra 10. vRuShabhadalli ravi
Ten types of Paapaas are :
1. Kaiyika Dosha – Himse, parastree sambandha, snatching from others
2. Vachanika Dosha – lying, Hard words on others, unnecessary argument,
3. Manasika Dosha – Thinking that I am the supreme, doing harm to others, planning to snatch other’s property.
On Jyesta shudda Dashami if we take bath in Ganga, Kaveri, Madhwa sarovara, etc., the above sins will be removed, provided we do not repeat the same again and again.
On 03.06.2009 – Yekadashi –
Nirjala Ekadashi
Jyesta Shudda Ekadashi is termed as Nirjala Ekadashi.
Pracheenabarhi Raaja named King started the concept of Nirjala Ekasashi. It is on this day that Pracheenabarhi Raaja ensured that “Nowhere water is available on this day”..
That is why it is called as Nirjala Ekadashi.
Pl note : On this day, we should not even drink water. When they say don’t drink water on this day, it does not mean that you should not use water for Achamana etc. We have to use water for Achamana, but we should not drink.